
Παγκόσμια Ημέρα τουρισμού 2024 – Μεγέθυνση η βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη προωθεί το νέο ΕΧΠ Τουρισμού; NEWS 24/7https://www.news247.gr/oikonomia/tourismos/to-pragmatiko-kostos-tis-xaotikis-touristikis-anaptixis/

Σπιλάνης Γ. 2024, Σχόλια και προτάσεις για το Ειδικό Χωροταξικό Πλαίσιο του τουρισμού, εκδοση ΕΝΑ Institute

Είναι βιώσιμη αυτή η μεγέθυνση; Ο ρόλος των Παρατηρητηρίων και των Φορέων Διαχείρισης Προορισμών για βιώσιμο τουρισμό σε βιώσιμους προορισμούς. “Τουρισμός και Αειφορία”, Ελληνική Εταιρεία Περιβάλλοντος και Πολιτισμού, 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2024, Μουσείο Ακρόπολης

Alexiou E – Spilanis I., 2022, Low footprint wellness tourism attached to responsible travelling, 2nd International conference on Tourism Management & Hospitality, Copenhagen, July 2022

Veriou Sofia, Spilanis Ioannis, Perivolari Natalia, Eva Psalti, 2022, Measuring pressure on touristic island destinations and its impact on carrying capacity. The case of Mykonos, ISCA 2022 International Conference on sustainability Analysis, Rome 14-15 July.

Glyptou K., Kalogeras N., Skuras D., Spilanis I., (2022), Clustering sustainable destinations: empirical evidence from selected Mediterranean countries, Sustainability, 14, 5507. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14095507, p.21

Glyptou, K. (20XX) Sustainability indicators in tourism. In: Buhalis, D. (ed). Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Glyptou, K., and Choi, M. (20XX) Conceptualising system resilience in smart tourism destinations. In: Farmaki, A. and Pappas, N. (eds.) Emerging Transformations in Tourism and Hospitality. Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge

Glyptou, K., Amore, A, and Ashton Adie, B.(20XX) From aspirations to applications: the SDG and the importance of indicators. In: Farmaki, A., Levent, A., and Font, X. (eds.) Planning and Managing Sustainability in Tourism, Springer, Germany

Depraetere C., Soulis K. X., Tsesmelis D. E., Avgoustidis G., Spilanis I. (2020) Impacts of climate change on the evolution of water resources in the context of the Mediterranean islands using as an example two Aegean Sea islands: consequences for touristic activities in the future, in “The Anthropocene and islands”, Gelabert M-G., Micallef A., Geli J-R. (editors). ed. Il Sileno Edizioni, p. 143-182

Mitropoulou, A., & Spilanis, I. (2020). Towards a contemporary research agenda for island branding: developments, challenges, and dynamics. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 16(4), 293-303

Karampela, S., Papapanos, G. & Kizos, T. (2019) Perceptions of Agritourism and Cooperation: Comparisons between an Island and a Mountain Region in Greece. Sustainability, 11(3), 680

Karampela, S. & Papapanos, G. (2019) Communicating Agritourism best practices, II Agrotourist Festival “Syrmarka”, 5-7 July, Vladimir region, Russia.

Karampela, S. & Papapanos, G. (2019) Agritourism and new technologies along with perceptions and networks, 5th Annual International Conference “Vladimirsky Trakt – a way to new technologies in Tourism”, 20-22 June, Vladimir region, Russia.

Karampela, S. & Papapanos, G. (2019) Understanding agritourism image and marketing through photos in social media,6th IACUDIT International Conference Cultural and Tourism Innovation: Integration and Digital Transition, 12-15 June, Royal Olympic Hotel, Athens, Greece

Karampela, S. & Kizos, T. (2019) Agritourism and local development: the role of networking, [in Greek]. 16th Annual Scientific Conference of ERSA Greek Section Strategies of local and regional development: current challenges, 22-23 June, Regional Development Institute, Panteion University, Greece

Mitropoulou A., Spilanis I. (2019) From insularity to islandness: the use of place branding for achieving sustainable island tourism, 11th International conference on Islands Tourism, Mytilene, Lesvos (Greece), 5-6 September, 2019

Spilanis I. (2018 ), participation in the Giulietti S., Romagosa F., Esteve JF., Schroder Ch., Tourism and the environment. Towards a reporting mechanism in Europe., EEA., Report 01/2018, Luxembourg

Karampela, S. & Kizos, T. (2018) Agritourism and local development: Evidence from two case studies in Greece. International Journal of Tourism Research, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 566-577

Karampela, S., Papapanos, G. & Kizos, T. (2018). Αgritourism perceptions, cooperation and networks: Empirical evidence from Greece, Eurac Research 1st World Congress on Agritourism, 7-9 November, Bozen/Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy. attendance with scholarship by Eurac Research

Karampela, S., Papapanos, G. & Kizos, T. (2018). Agritourism and cooperation networks at an island and a continental locality: qualitative vs quantitative analysis, [in Greek]. 15th ETAGRO Conference Redefining Rural Development in the Modern Digital Era, 1-2 November, Aristotle University’s Research Dissemination Center, Thessaloniki, Greece

Γλύπτου, Κ. (2017) Διαχείριση τουριστικού προορισμού μέσω της ανάπτυξης μοντέλων πρόβλεψης βιωσιμότητας: η περίπτωση της Ελλάδας 1988-2011. Στο: Τσάρτας, Π. και Λύτρας, Π. (εκδ.) Τουρισμός, Τουριστική ανάπτυξη: συμβολές Ελλήνων Επιστημόνων῎ Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση, Αθήνα, σελ. 83-91

Σπιλάνης Γ. (2017) Παρατηρητήριο Βιώσιμου Τουρισμού: Η περίπτωση του Παρατηρητηρίου του Παγκόσμιου Τουρισμού στο Αιγαίο, στο  Τσάρτας  Π – Λύτρας Π (επιμ.) «Τουρισμός, Τουριστική Ανάπτυξη, Συμβουλές Ελλήνων Επιστημόνων»,  Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση, σ.215-224

Σπιλάνης Γ. (2017) Παθογένειες και προκλήσεις του τουρισμού στα ελληνικά νησιά. Τα συμπεράσματα από τη μελέτη του Παρατηρητηρίου Βιώσιμου Τουρισμού Αιγαίου και του Ατλαντα των Νησιών, Θεματικό Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο «Νησιωτικότητα και Γαλάζια Οικονομία», Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιά, Πειραιάς, 26&27/5

Karampela, S., Kavroudakis, D. , Kizos, T. (2017) Agritourism networks: Empirical evidence from two case studies in Greece. Current Issues in Tourism, Vol. 22, No. 12, pp. 1460-1479. doi:10.1080/13683500.2017.1379475

Spilanis I. (2017) UNWTO observatory for sustainable tourism in sustainable island destinations: proposals for businesses and local authorities, Workshop “Βusiness practices towards sustainable tourism in Aegean islands”, CEST 2017, 30/8, Rhodes

Spilanis I. (2017) Importance of the role of Government and partnership among stakeholders, 6th Annual Conference of UNWTO Sustainable Tourism Observatories in China, Changshu, 20-25/11/2017

Tsartas P, Sarantakou E., Spilanis I. (2017) The role of “Grey” building in the development and the management of Greek coastal areas. The striking example of Santorini, congress “Changing cities III”, 26-30/6, Ermoupolis

Karampela S., Kizos Th., Spilanis I. (2016) A proposed framework to evaluate the impact of agritourism on local development in small islands, Island Studies Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2016, pp. 161-176

Karampela, S., Kizos, T., Spilanis, I. (2016) Evaluating the impact of agritourism on local development in small islands. Island Studies Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 161-176

Karampela, S., Kizos, T. & Spilanis, I. (2015). “Agro”, “Agri”, or “Rural”? “Alternative” small scale tourism activities and local development on small islands: towards a conceptual framework”, RETI Symposium 2015, Orkney College, 26-27 July, Scotland

Glyptou, K., Papatheodorou, A., Paravantis, J. A., Spilanis, I. (2014) Tourism Sustainability Methodologies : A Critical Assessment. In IEEE (ed). The Fifth International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2014), July 7-9, Chania-Crete, Greece. DOI: 10.1109/IISA.2014.6878832, pp. 182 – 187​

Karampela, S., Kizos, T., & Papatheodorou, A. (2014) Patterns of transportation for tourists and residents in the Aegean archipelago, Greece. In G. Baldacchino (ed.), Archipelago tourism: Policies and practices (pp. 35-50). Farnham: Ashgate

Spilanis I., Vayanni H., Karampela S. (2014) Méthodologie de l’évaluation de la durabilité insulaire dans le cadre DPSR. Un outil d’évaluation des politiques touristiques, in JM Furt, C. Tafani (eds), Tourisme et insularité : la littoralité en question, ed Karthala, p. 87-108

Karampela, S., Kizos, T. & Papatheodorou, A. (2013) Archipelagoes within the Archipelago: Patterns of transportation for tourists and residents in Aegean Archipelago, Greece, International Congress on Tourist Destinations, Competitiveness and Business Initiative in Times of Economic Crisis, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 12 -13 December, Maspalomas Costa Canaria, Spain.

Papapanos, G., Karampela, S., Kopsachilis, V., Vaitis, M., Kizos, T. & Spilanis, I. (2013) A Digital Repository For Managing Tourism On Islands, International Congress on Tourist Destinations, Competitiveness and Business Initiative in Times of Economic Crisis, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 12 -13 December, Maspalomas Costa Canaria, Spain.

Tsilimpokos K., Spilanis I. (2013) “Economic, Environmental and Social Performance    of Hotel Enterprises. The Case of Lesvos Island, Greece.” 5th International Scientific Conference, “Tourism Trends and Advances in the 21st Century, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece May 30 – June 2

Spilanis I., Vayanni H. et Glyptou K. (2013) Evaluating the tourism activity in a destination: the case of Samos Island, Etudes Caraibéennes,  no 23, Dec 2013, http://etudescaribeennes.revues.org/6245

Spilanis I. (2013) The island of Zakynthos. A haven for tourists and loggerhead turtles. Summary based on the study report “Economic assessment of a Marine Protected Area’s effect on sustainable development in the Mediterranean – Case study of Zakynthos in Greece”, in Mangos A., Claudot M.A. Economic study of the impacts of marine and coastal protected areas in the Mediterranean, Plan Blue, Serie Marine Ecosystems, Paper 13, October 13, pp. 46-54 The whole report

Spilanis I., Le Tellier J. (2012) Towards an observatory and a “Quality label” of tourism sustainability in the Mediterranean, ed. UNEP/MAP/Plan Bleu, cahier 12, 2012, ISSN/ISBN : 978-2-912081-33-9 (English),  ISSN/ISBN : 978-2-912081-32-2 (French)

Karassouli A., Spilanis I., Vayanni H. (2012) The competitiveness of the Greek Tourism Product in the European market, in “New Horizons, New Opportunities: Tourism Trends and Advances in the 21st Century”, 5th Scientific Conference of the University of the Aegean ,1st Global Tourism Four Pillars Conference of the Greek Marketing Academy, June 28th – July 1st, Mytilene, Island of Lesvos

Karampela, S., Vayanni, H., Spilanis, I. (2011) The methodological framework assessment of sustainability DPSR as a policy tool for tourism. In S. Tampakis & E. Manolas (Eds) Policies for Environmental Protection [in Greek] (pp. 183-201). Themes for Forestry and Management of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources, Demokritus University of Thrace, Orestiada

Jones N., Panagiotidou K., Spilanis I., Demitrakopoulos P., Evagelinos K, 2011, Visitors’ perceptions on the management of an important nesting site for loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta L.): the case of the Rethymno coastal area in Greece, Ocean & Coastal Management, (54, 8), August, pp 577-584.

Spilanis, I., Vayanni, H., Glyptou, K. 2010. Evaluating tourism activity in a destination: the case of Samos island, in Proc. International Scientific Congress on Current Trends in Tourism Management and Tourism Policy, 10-11 February, Athens, Greece

Karatzoglou B, Spilanis I, 2010, Sustainable Tourism in Greek islands: the Integration of Activity-Based Environmental Management with a Destination Environmental Scorecard Based on the Adaptive Resource Management Paradigm, Business Strategy and the Environment, 19 (1), January, pp. 26-38.

Spilanis I., Vagianni H, Glyptou K., 2010, L’évaluation de l’activité touristique dans une destination : le cas de l’île de Samos. In Workshop Scientifique « Les indicateurs de tourisme soutenable : portée et limites dans les espaces insulaires, Corte, 15-16 Décembre

Karayiannis, O., Spilanis I., 2009, Tourism and environment: Pressures of tourism related construction activity on the natural environment of host areas. Attempting a survey in the Cyclades, Tourismos, v.4, no 4, pp 17-34

Spilanis, I., Kizos, T., Karampela, S., Vayanni, H. (2006). “A Tourism Typology for the Greek Islands”, International Conference on Trends, Impacts and Policies on Tourism Development, Hellenic Open University, 15-18 June, Heraklion, Crete – Greece

Spilanis I., Vagianni H. (2004) Sustainable tourism: utopia or necessity? The role of new forms of tourism in the Aegean Islands – Greece, in Bramwell B. (ed), Costal mass tourism. Diversification and sustainable development in S.Europe, Channel View Publications, p. 269-291

Σπιλάνης Γ. (2003), Τουρισμός και βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη στη Μεσόγειο. Η περίπτωση της Ελλάδας, έκθεση για τη Μεσογειακή Επιτροπή Βιώσιμης Ανάπυξης, σ.31

Spilanis I (2003), Tourisme et développement durable en Méditerranée. La Grèce, Livre Blanc, Plan Blue, p.38